

At a glance


  • Education
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Mental health
  • Training / employment support
  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 


At Synolos we believe that every person has the potential to live a successful life. Unfortunately, we are not all given the same opportunities to identify and fulfil that potential. Our purpose is to work with individuals to not only identify their strengths, but to help carry them through into a practical setting. To fulfil this purpose, we have various approaches at our disposal that we can offer, depending on the needs of the individual.

Our goal for all those we work with is to help guide them into employment, self-employment, voluntary work or further training. Our aim is a simple one, but of paramount importance. By creating relevant opportunities that help people identify their strengths, we help them to improve their lives and build the future that they aspire to.
We Work With Individuals:

  • With learning difficulties and autism
  • Who are NEET (Not in Education, Training or Employment)
  • With low or no qualifications
  • Struggling at school in years 7-11
  • Who are young and unemployed
  • Struggling with mental health issues
  • Who are long-term unemployed, aged 24 – 50+
  • On long term sick/leave, who are seeking to get closer to employment


​Synolos feels very privileged to provide a fresh outlook for individuals in the West Oxfordshire area. We offer practical support and encouragement to help empower lives where that help is needed. Our remit is all-encompassing; we help to identify each individual’s potential and guide them on their journey to becoming independent, self-sufficient and successful.

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