Swindon Advocacy Movement

Swindon Advocacy Movement

At a glance


  • Financial inclusion
  • Human rights
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Mental health

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Geographical remit: 


Swindon Advocacy Movement (SAM) was set up as a user led organisation in 1995 as a response to many people with learning disabilities leaving long stay hospitals to live more independently in the community. From that time SAM has developed a reputation locally for being passionate about the rights of vulnerable people; standing up for their Human Rights and enabling them to have choice and control over their own lives.

SAM provides a free, independent and accessible advocacy service for people with care and support needs living in Swindon.  Advocacy enables individuals to access and understand information, learn about their rights, consider options and make informed decisions. SAM ensures that people get access to services and empowers them to challenge decisions and make complaints when needed. 


We currently offer the following specialist advocacy services:

  • Advocacy under The Care Act 2014.
  • IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy) and IMCA/DoLs (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
  • IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocacy) under The Mental Health Act.
  • Independent Community Mental Health Advocacy - for people leaving institutional care and returning to the community or moving on from or having a reduction in mental health services.
  • Young People's Community Mental Health Advocacy.
  • Parent Advocacy - one to one support for parents with a learning difficulty through Child Protection and court proceedings.
  • Advocacy for Independence - 1-1 support for adults with learning disabilities to achieve more independent lives.
  • Project Boost - Activities and opportunities for people with learning disabilities to go out and about in their local community; developing their confidence and skills for independent living.
  • Indy project - 1-1 advocacy and activities for children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEND).

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