Surrey Welfare Rights Unit provides specialist advice on welfare benefits across Surrey and the surrounding area. We help all client groups with queries on benefit maximisation, challenging decisions and better-off calculations. We provide an advice line for volunteers and professionals, we undertake complex casework including representation, run training and undertake campaigns and research to improve the social security system for our clients. We are the only local organisation offering specialist advice and over 60 local organisations refer their clients for assistance.
The Unit ensures that individuals are not at risk of poverty because of a lack of understanding of the benefits system. We help local citizens understand their benefit entitlement, access claims and help them maintain their claims without risking over or underpayments. The benefits system is labyrinthine and there are many failing systems and barriers that stop people, especially those who are vulnerable, understand their rights.
Surrey Welfare Rights Unit is part of Citizens Advice and provides a specialist welfare rights service across Surrey and surrounding areas. We...