We work with partners to ensure that those, in Surrey and beyond, who have missed out on learning in the past, have opportunities to learn and to reach their full potential.
We seek to build a bridge linking potential learners from disadvantaged communities with life changing opportunities.
The bridge will be constructed in a variety of ways:
Target Audiences
Each year we help 600 people to gain new skills, qualifications and employment.
Learning in Community
We deliver free courses within local community venues to meet local learning needs and to make learning more accessible .
Learning through enterprise
We engage prospective learners in two social enterprises:
The Bike Project
Bicycles donated by the public and various agencies are completely refurbished and sold from outlets in Walton and Stoke and Westborough. Sales income contributes to the running of the enterprise. Unemployed men and women gain work experience and confidence while on the Project with many gaining EMTA and City & Guilds Cycle Mechanics qualifications and other skills.
The GLADE Project
The Guildford Learning and Development Enterprise (GLADE) provides street cleansing and gardening services in Park Barn & Westborough. It engages the local community, offering training, skills and work experience. The service is offered in partnership with a mental health charity called Oakleaf Enterprise.
Learning for work
We support local residents into learning and work so that they are better able to secure their homes through the ETHOS Project.
The ETHOS Project
Working with local councils (Elmbridge, Guildford, Mole Valley, Epsom & Ewell, and Tandridge) and housing associations (Clarion Housing, P A Community Housing Group and Rosebery Housing Association), we deliver the ETHOS project which helps people to gain employment.
Influencing the Learning Agenda
We convene meetings of partner organisations to identify new trends in learner needs and wants and then seek to influence the learning agenda.
Our success is dependent on working together with like-minded organisations and funders, and also with the generous support of our volunteers.