What do we do?
Styleability is creating scalable social change through adaptive fashion: promoting independence, body confidence and improved self-esteem for young disabled adults.
Why do we do it?
The project was created in response to speaking to not only young disabled adults and their families but special schools, colleges and organisations working with these young people in their transitional years to adulthood (16-25). It responds to the frustrations and challenges experienced by young disabled adults who find it almost impossible to find comfortable clothes that suit their style, bodies and needs, impacting on both their ability to lead an independent life but also an increased risk of bullying and social exclusion.
Who are we?
Styleability was first piloted in 2013 by Flamingo Foundation, a charity which empowers vulnerable people through long-term, sustainable solutions that benefit their community and the wider public.
The reach and scope of the project has grown considerably since the first ever workshop and by 2015 Flamingo Foundation realised the potential for real social change through Styleability and it became the charity’s flagship UK project.
We provide practical guidance, through free interactive workshops which are led by fashion designers and seamstresses, on how to adapt clothing helping to inspire body confidence, self-esteem and independent living.