strood community project

strood community project

At a glance


  • Counselling / advice
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Local / community
  • Training / employment support

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Strood Community Project is a charity established by three Christian churches in 2006 to address social and economic hardship in Strood and the surrounding area.

We believe that helping our neighbour is core to what the church should be about.  Our vision is to see a happy, confident and prosperous Strood.  We will help anyone, tailoring our support according to their needs.

Partner churches:

  • St Francis of Assisi
  • St Nicholas
  • Strood Gospel Mission


Advice Centre - offering advice in all areas including Housing/Debt/Benefits

UK Online Centre - offering IT support to those with little or no experience

Information Advice and Guidance - offering CV workshops/Course and Employment Support

Youth Mentoring

Medway Foodbank - providing food to those in an emergency situation

Outreach to the Peninsula to reach those who cannot access our services in Strood

Hosts Mental Health Advocacy drop in sessions (not run by ourselves) and also hosts Mental Health Counselling Service (not run by ourselves)

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