Stroke And Diabetes Education and Aid Foundation (SADEAF)

Stroke And Diabetes Education and Aid Foundation (SADEAF)

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care

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Geographical remit: 


We help people with stoke and people with diabetes. We are now focusing in the Sudan. Both conditions are quite common there. Stroke units do not exist in the Sudan and diabetes services are very patchy. People with stroke either die immediately or stay bed ridden till they die. Most of them are bread winners for their families. People with diabetes get all sorts of complications such as blindness, amputations, kidney failure, heart attacks, and strokes. The impact is quite severe on families and society. Health care resources are limited and directed towards infectious diseases in the first place. So, our charity could do a lot to help.

We build capacity and provide equipment. We provide training for capacity building. This will end up in setting proper stroke units and diabetes services which could provide effective services to manage and combat both conditions. We also work towards prevention in the wider community. The impact will be:

  1. Reduction of deaths from stroke and diabetes.
  2. Rehabilitation of stroke patients so that they can provide for their families again
  3. Reduction of the complications of diabetes.
  4. Prevention


  1. We partner with local hospitals in the Sudan to train their staff to run proper stroke units
  2. We partner with UK hospitals to provide professionals who are willing to volunteering professionals willing to travel to the Sudan to train staff there.
  3. We partner with the Sudanese diabetes association to provide training and equipment.
  4. We buy stroke rehabilitation and some diabetes equipment from the UK and send them to the Sudan  
  5. Collaborating with the local authorities, we organise community education programmes for the purpose of prevention.

We need funds to buy equipment and to meet the costs of travel and accommodation for volunteers.

We have already partnered with a local hospital in the Sudan and a UK hospital to set up the first ever stroke unit in the Sudan. We have made some wteps but there is more to do.

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