

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Children / families
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Local / community
  • Men
  • Older people / later life
  • Poverty relief
  • Refugees / migrants
  • Training / employment support
  • Women
  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 



To provide and support the improvement of economic and environmental well being through the reuse of items and materials as well as skills training to improve opportunity and progression.

Ensuring all adult members of community are able to benefit from the support, facilities and training provided without exclusion or restrictions.

Using furniture donated by island residents, we are able to offer a good variety of items, at competitive prices, to those who are less fortunate, enabling all to make their living space into a home.

We empower individuals from many backgrounds to find the confidence to work within a team, encouraging self-development and aiming to increase their self-esteem.

By collecting donations of household items, we are diverting possible treasures from the landfill site, keeping our environment healthy and islanders comfortable.


Storeroom is a multiple award winning local charity serving the Isle of Wight.

Furniture donated by Island residents (that may otherwise have been taken to the landfill site) is utilised, enabling availability of affordable furnishing; this also minimises impact on the environment. Storeroom2010 enables Island residents to recycle, thereby helping their community and the environment too.  Our figures for 2016 show we have assisted with the re-use of 174,360 of furniture, saving this from our island landfill.  It’s difficult to imagine that weight, so think of 5,588 average armchairs instead!

During 2016 Storeroom Education saw 221 learners aged 18+.  Most were with us for our accredited NOCN courses in Level 1 Carpentry & Joinery in Construction, Level 2 Carpentry & Joinery in Construction, Health & Safety in a Construction Environment (in preparation for application for CSCS card in order to work on building sites) or our Emergency First Aid At Work (Health & Safety Executive approval) which was very popular with people looking for a career in care, where there are usually many positions available on the Isle of Wight.


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