Stevenage & North Hertfordshire Domestic Violence Forum comprises of key tactical officers who have a responsibility and/or an interest in raising awareness and addressing domestic violence and abuse in their organisations. The Forum's principal aim is to assist in the development & implementation of inter-agency working on domestic abuse to support the reduction of domestic violence & abuse in Stevenage & North Herts.
Domestic Violence impacts on the work of many, such as schools, health professionals, faith groups, mental health workers, social services & the police, as well as the families themselves. S&NH DV Forums provide a way for our members to spread good practice, network & disseminate key information.
Membership is open to any person or agency representative who work with & around Domestic Violence issues & who subscribe to the Terms of Reference of the Forum.
The Forum meets quarterly in March, June, September & December for a morning which comprises Speakers, information sharing & discussion on new initiatives, services & activities. Meetings alternate between venues in Stevenage & Letchworth.
S&NH DVF has a database of around 60 members, all of whom are professionals working with various DV issues, affecting men, women & children. This provides a vehicle for information sharing in-between meetings, as well as a way of sourcing help & expertise from other professionals.
The Forum helps to raise awareness wherever possible by holding Conferences & attending relevant meetings & events.