Step Into Learning specialises in working with learners looking to open new career pathways, or those looking to get back into work. By joining our Board of Trustees, you will support the strategic development of the organisation and will also gain a great insight into the workings of a grassroots, frontline organisation making a vital difference in the lives of some of Devon and Cornwall’s most vulnerable people.
Step into Learning was formerly known as V Learning Network, a charitable company originally set up in 2001 as the lead of a consortium created to deliver adult and young people mainstream funded education. The consortium was made up of independent training providers in the Third Sector throughout Devon and Cornwall. In August 2021, due to some changes in funding, the nature and focus of the company shifted slightly. We are used to working in a proactive and agile way so have been able to adapt, evolve and innovate, and continue to do so.
To fit the growing needs of the business and to strengthen our brand identity, we have changed the company name to V Learning Network trading as Step into Learning – Step into Learning will be the sole, public facing name used across all our touchpoints going forwards. We still offer young people mainstream funded education and we currently work with three charities and Community Interest Groups (The Outdoor Place, Transferable Skills Training and Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change), enabling them to deliver high quality training by providing sustainable funding. The funding allows our partners to offer a range of training opportunities and deliver quality programmes within Cornwall.
Step Into Learning also delivers high quality in-house training, projects, and services via its own training division, Step into Learning Training. Step Into Learning Training is based in Launceston, Cornwall, however, our reach extends much further. We offer training across Devon and Cornwall and have the scope to cover any geographical location due to our flexible delivery – face to face, blended learning and online.
Step Into Learning Training specialise in working with learners looking to open new career pathways, or those looking to get back into work. Many of our courses focus on subjects relating to health & wellbeing such as Counselling and Health & Social care
We are also currently running two European Social Fund (ESF) projects, New Tomorrow and Foundations for Work, supporting unemployed people in North Cornwall into training or employment
We are committed to giving back to our local community:
SILC is our counselling service providing free, confidential counselling for the Launceston community.
Our community larder for Launceston opened in May 2022. The focus of the community larder is reducing food waste and giving local people access to nutritious food that would otherwise go to waste.
Inspiring & empowering our community through innovative training & support services delivered with empathy and honesty.
To be and be recognised as the leading provider of innovative training & support services for individuals. communities & organisations, creating sustainable partnerships.
Working with individuals, communities & organisations to remove barriers and enable success.
Ever evolving, finding progressive and creative ways to meet the needs of those we work with.
Honest, constructive advice using a holistic approach to support individuals, communities & organisations.
A respectful, non-judgmental, thoughtful organisation, committed to empowering those we work with.
Achieving results using a proactive trustworthy and caring approach.
Highly experienced, approachable staff using their knowledge and passion to find tailored solutions.