St Wilfrid's Hospice

St Wilfrid's Hospice

At a glance


  • Local / community

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St Wilfrid's Hospice is an independent, local charity that supports people in our community who are living with a terminal or life limiting illness. We offer a wide range of services, providing physical, emotional, social, psychological and spiritual support ensuring we respect and encourage individuality, dignity and self-esteem. 

We work in close partnership with all health and social care professionals involved in a person’s care, including GPs and community nurses.

Our Vision, Mission and Values

Our Patient Promise 

Our charity exists to care for and support our patients and their loved ones. We promise to: 

  • Respect your wishes 
  • Care for you with dignity
  • Treat you as an individual 
  • Listen to your questions 
  • Explain your care clearly 

Our Vision

At St Wilfrid’s we are committed to working to ensure all dying people and those close to them have access to the care and support they need. 

Our mission

Within our community, we are dedicated to providing high quality specialist end of life care and bereavement support wherever and whenever it is needed. We will engage with our community and take the opportunity to learn, develop and improve our services. We aim to provide services that are: 

  • Accessible, flexible and responsive
  • Innovative, evaluated and outstanding
  • Caring for our resources and the environment 


Our Values are Compassion/ Excellence/ Collaboration/ Integrity/ Responsibility


Develop and enhance the provision of high quality specialist palliative and end of life care services.

  • Provide and maintain the facilities to deliver our services
  • Extend the reach of our services to more people in our community
  • Provide more care to people in their own homes
  • Increase flexibility and capacity of services to meet people’s changing and growing needs
  • Continue to improve the quality and availability of our services
  • Work in collaboration with commissioners and other providers
  • Promote good communication and enable patients and their loved ones to take an active role in decisions about their care

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