St Elizabeth Hospice

St Elizabeth Hospice

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Counselling / advice
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Older people / later life
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


St Elizabeth Hospice aims to improve life for people living with progressive and life-limiting illnesses by:

  • Providing multi-disciplinary holistic specialist and dedicated palliative care services to patients, their families and carers
  • Working alongside other statutory and voluntary agencies to provide specialist and dedicated palliative care, in a timely manner, where the patient wishes to be
  • Acting as a resource to the local community regarding general and specialist palliative care to increase confidence and competence in improving life for people living with a progressive illness
  • Providing care that respects the choices made by patients and their families so that patients are treated in their preferred place and die in their place of choice where possible
  • Working towards equitable provision of all services, leading to increased use of services by people with non-malignant progressive disease, and those from seldom-heard communities

All of the above goals will be monitored through quantitative and qualitative data collection and audit processes.

St Elizabeth Hospice Statement of Purpose (Updated June 2021) (PDF 184KB)

Our latest CQC inspection report can be downloaded here. (PDF 116KB)

St Elizabeth Hospice Quality Account 2020-2021 (PDF 1.54MB)

Strategy Plan

Have a read of our Strategy Plan, produced in September 2020, which details our direction for our charitable services over the next three years until 2023-24.

Download our Strategy Plan for 2020/21 - 2023/24



St Elizabeth Hospice improves life for people living with a progressive illness. Our work is centred around an individual's needs, which means specialist support, wherever it is required. We care for people at home, in the community or at the Hospice. We help people deal with problems such as pain, anxiety and fatigue, as well as offering practical advice and family support. St Elizabeth Hospice is an independent charity which provides services free of charge. Our services cost £12.9 million a year to run, with almost three quarters of that figure coming from the local community. We rely on fundraising, donations and volunteers. We are grateful for any support given to help us grow local Hospice care for local people.

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