Spring into Action CIC

Spring into Action CIC

At a glance


  • Learning disabilities / difficulties

Other details

Organisation type: 
Not for profit
Geographical remit: 


Spring into Action is a community interest company based in Accrington in East Lancashire. We set up in 2012 and have a vision of an inclusive society where people with learning disabilities can fully participate.Our aims are to provide opportunities for people with learning disabilities to engage in activities, volunteer within services and find employment. Our services are co-developed and co-delivers with people with lived experience.

We  have been running successful projects and services since 2012. We are well established with lots of links within the community, local, regionally & nationally to care providers, local authorities & self advocacy projects. We have been running services to reduce isolation,  specifically a friendship and dating agency  & over the past 12 months we  supported 58 people to connect 1-1; 340 attended social events, 125 attended a workshop, 32 hours of expert consultation was given, by PWLD


We support people with a learning disability to reduce isolation, improve skills and confidence, gain work experience and contribute to society. Activities include a friendship and dating agency to enable people to be supported to connect for dates and friendship meets; social activities in the evening to reduce social isolation; sex & relationship workshops; inclusion workshops; expert consultations. Activities are developed and co-delivered with people with lived experience. 

Loneliness is a significant issue for PWLD who face barriers finding & accessing opportunities to socialise; have a lack of confidence & poor social skills. PWLD are 7x more likely to be lonely than non-disabled people & less likely to have support networks to rely on. They have worse health outcomes & die earlier than the general population. Loneliness leads to an increased risk of mental health issues & increases risks of premature death that rivals those of smoking & obesity. 

Our friendship and dating agency, Meet N Match, aims to reduce social isolation through providing opportunities for people to have meaningful connections, social nights out and workshops on friendships and safe relationships.

Current opportunities

Lancashire, BB5 0EY

Following a skills audit, we are seeking people to join our board of directors to support the strategic development of the board.

We are...