SPID Theatre Company is an arts charity that aims to build a sense of community and to empower council estates through access to high quality theatre and arts projects. We use interactive, immersive techniques to create cheap, participatory theatre that happens off stage and up close in estate youth clubs and parks, and we work with teenagers to realise more of their potential, allowing them to build artistic skills, tell their stories, and engage positively with estates.
Our performances in our base on the Modernist estate of Kensal House in West London, and our heritage youth projects, youth shows, and youth films, led by the young people with whom we work, have won awards and press attention nationally, recognised for the do-it-yourself-passion which informs their creative ambition, up-to-date subject matter, distinctive form, and the fresh voices of the young people at their heart. We are also committed to the renewal and regeneration of the important communal spaces and buildings where estate life takes place.