Speak Their Name CIC

Speak Their Name CIC

At a glance


  • Mental health

Other details

Organisation type: 
Social enterprise
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Our purpose is to help people in the UK who are bereaved by suicide. A person who dies by suicide is not defined by that death. They lived a unique life that touched all the people who loved and cared for them. Our site offers the chance to create personalised remembrance pages for each person – a place for families and friends to express their love and care through the images, words and video of lives shared. 

Being bereaved by suicide can be the loneliest feeling in the world. Even close friends often don’t know what to say; sometimes they are so afraid of saying the wrong thing that they say nothing at all, leading to an even greater sense of isolation. Given that isolation is one of the risk factors for suicide, and the opposite of isolation is connection, we help people to feel connected with others who have also experienced a loss by suicide… perhaps also helping them, over time, to navigate their grief with greater self-compassion.


People bereaved from suicide are at an increased risk of dying from suicide themselves. By supporting families and friends who have experienced suicide bereavement, we are actively delivering suicide prevention. Through our web site, we foster connections, increasing awareness about what specialist support is available following a suicide. And by offering a space in which to feel less alone, we increase peoples’ confidence to access suicide bereavement support that is timely, robust, safe and compassionate.

Current opportunities

People that take their own lives are not defined by their death. Our purpose is to support the suicide bereaved; we aim to change...