Speak Out Advocacy Project

Speak Out Advocacy Project

At a glance


  • Learning disabilities / difficulties

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Geographical remit: 


Speak Out aim is to provide support to adults affected by learning disabilities, brain injury and/or a communication support need. We do this by advocating for them, by taking their side, and sticking up for their rights. We believe that this approach develops confidence, improves mental wellbeing, and increases access to services and mainstream community opportunities.

We do this by providing a professional one to one advocacy partnership coupled with the opportunity to join a large collective advocacy group. This group campaigns on issues that affect people affected by disability, and links in with similar groups throughout Scotland.

Speak Out is a well-established and highly regarded service that enjoys a reputation for excellent practice. However, for the project to progress and develop further services, we need to bring onto the Board, people with the skills, drive and vision to support the ambition of the current Board members and a committed and motivated staff team.


We provide advocacy services for adults with learning disabilities and/or a communication support need who reside within, or are ordinarly resident in South Lanarkshire. We work with circa 200 people at any given time, and also, support and facilitate the meetings and activities of a large collective advocacy group. We also support and facilitate various service user groups around South Lanarkshire, and are members of the various groups that consider strategy and the planning of services for people affected by learning disability.

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