Southwark Group Of Tenants Organisations

Southwark Group Of Tenants Organisations

At a glance


  • Campaigning
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Local / community
  • Training / employment support
  • Voluntary sector support

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - England


The Objects for which the Charity is established are:


  1. To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Southwark by associating together local authorities, voluntary organisations and residents in common effort to improve the life of the inhabitants.
  2. Southwark Group of Tenants Organisation (SGTO) is an independent voluntary organisation representing and promoting the rights of tenants and residents groups within the London Borough of Southwark. The organisation is run by tenants and brings together the tenants and residents of Southwark to improve the quality of housing by offering support training advice and resources to benefit tenants.
  3. In the furtherance of the objects the Company shall at all times actively promote and take into consideration the principles of equality of opportunity.


Southwark Group of Tenants Organisation (SGTO) is an independent and voluntary organisation representing and promoting the rights of tenants and residents groups within the London Borough of Southwark. We are non-political organisation and not align to any political viewpoint; our aim is to promote the interest of Tenants and Residents Associations in Southwark, by working with all stakeholders to achieve common goals. It originated from the Association of London Housing Estates, which was founded by the London County in the late 1950s. In 1984, responsible for their own affairs.

The Southwark Group of Tenants Organisation (SGTO) has been in existence for about twenty three years now. Through the years, SGTO has been involved in campaigning for better housing conditions, tenants’ rights and tenants’ involvement in decision making.

The SGTO because of its borough wide remit, its membership of TRAs (128 as of January 2016) and potential TRAs across circa 300 estates is strategically perhaps the most significant community in Southwark.

The potential strength in depth of the SGTO is staggering and therefore promoting Southwark Council tenants’ rights, ensure tenants involvement in decision making, safer communities and encourage ethnic and cultural diversity. 


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