Southend YMCA is a local children and young peoples’ charity which helps vulnerable children and young people to build their future. Southend YMCA stand alongside children and young people in need - they help them to dream their dreams and enable them to walk into their destiny.
Outcomes for young people include: improved motivation and emotional wellbeing; improved literacy, numeracy, and soft skills; better self-care; improved relationships ; reduced alcohol and drug abuse; better physical health; decrease in risk taking behaviour, progression into and retention within education or training (qualifications and awards), new employment opportunities and a decrease in benefit dependency; increase in ability to live independently, and connection to the community through active citizenship
Southend YMCA is a charity which exists to deliver public benefit. In furtherance of our charitable objects we offer education, housing and recreational services which address the needs and aspirations of vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young people. Without this support many will become homeless, not receive an education or develop the skills and competencies to acquire and sustain employment.
Southend YMCA’s services primarily benefit disadvantaged young people who experience transitional difficulties e.g. self esteem issues and isolation; who exhibit risk taking behaviours including substance misuse, offending and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD); who come from families with multiple vulnerabilities or live in poverty, who are designated children in need or are in care; who are homeless, who are economically inactive, long term unemployed or NEET.