Solving Kids' Cancer UK

Solving Kids' Cancer UK

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Health and well being / research and care

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Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 
National - England


Solving Kids' Cancer UK is a small but mighty charity with children firmly at its heart. We are fighting for a future where no child dies of the childhood cancer neuroblastoma or suffers due to the treatment theyreceive.

Neuroblastoma is a rare and complex childhood cancer. Around 90% of neuroblastoma cases occur inchildren younger than five years of age, making it the most common cancer in infants. 


The work of Solving Kids’ Cancer UK is parent-informed and we develop our services in response to the needs of the community we work with.


Our organisation is passionate about speeding up pioneering clinical research that will save lives andimprove outcomes for children. Our advocacy work within the neuroblastoma research world means weare uniquely placed to use our influence and reputation alongside our accredited research fundingframework to make a difference for children now and in the future.

Our Family Support Service provides emotional, practical and financial support, and impartial information on the latest treatments available, and where appropriate supports families to access treatment options for their child that are not currently available on the NHS.

We are a voice for children and their families. In every conversation we amplify their voice and ensurechildren are at the heart of all we do. We will not stop until children with neuroblastoma, in the UK andbeyond, have access to the treatment they need, when they need it. 


Our mission is: 

Helping those affected by neuroblastoma, an often aggressive and deadly childhood cancer, by

  • Initiating and funding best-in-class clinical research
  • Providing hope, information, and support to families throughout their cancer journey
  • Raising awareness of childhood cancer, advocating and campaigning for positive change.

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