Society of Occupational Medicine

Society of Occupational Medicine

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) is the UK organisation for all other healthcare professionals working in or with an interest in occupational health.    It is concerned with:

  • the protection of the health of people in the workplace

  • the prevention of occupational injuries and disease

  • related environmental issues

We are a registered charity, founded in 1935 as the Association of Industrial Medical Officers, it changed its name to become the Society of Occupational Medicine in 1965.

The SOM stimulates interest and research in occupational health and medicine with the government, the healthcare community, health charities and other bodies. SOM aims to be a leading voice, responding and proactively informing the media and policy makers on work and health issues. It hosts a leading journal, Occupational Medicine.

The SOM offers continuing professional development and education for all doctors and healthcare professionals working in occupational health. It is also a forum for the exchange of ideas, best practice and networking, through its regional groups.   It also works globally, through its leadership of the International Occupational Medicine Collaborative.

SOM Vision - Work Well, Be Well, Live Well


SOM Goals

  • Healthy People through Healthy Work
  • Representing the multi-disciplinary occupational health professions and their skill sets
  • Promoting and supporting best practice, standard setting, education and training in occupational health
  • Stimulating research and evidence-based occupational health (OH) practice
  • Addressing the health needs in respect of work of the general public
  • Administering a robust and representative governance structure that stands up to public scrutiny


Aim 1: Increased our multidisciplinary membership through tangible benefits, fostering a sense of community, and attracting new members

  • Attract new members

  • Provide tangible benefits to members

  • Foster a strong, diverse and accessible Community

Measures of success

To deliver this we will:

  • Work with members to identify needs and provide new member benefits

  • Aim to ensure our membership renewal rate improves year on year

  • Increase member engagement and attendance at regional group meetings, webinars AGM and conference

  • Implement a communications plan to increase our social media and online communities

  • Review and aim to continually improve our events offer and appraisal system

Aim 2: Raise the regional, national and international influence of SOM

  • Engage policy makers and business to understand the value of occupational health and medicine, with persuasive briefing materials and thought leadership

  • Demonstrating that practice is underpinned by high quality evidence, through our Journal, Occupational Medicine.

Nationally, stakeholders include employers, trade unions members of the Houses of Commons and Lords, NHS providers and commissioners, universities and funding councils. SOM supports the Council for Work and Health that assists with our advocacy to government. Regionally, responsibility for a range of issues is devolved to the Department of Health in England, and equivalents in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, so briefings will be targeted to the appropriate administrations. Nationally, and regionally, the SOM will also develop its dialogue with NHS Commissioners and health boards, patient groups, and local authority-led health and wellbeing boards. Internationally, we will also encourage development of the SOM International Group, International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative (IOMSC) support and inform international dialogue.

Aim 3 SOM is a cost effective and efficient organisation, with a stable business model and good governance



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