The Society for Education and Training (SET) is the membership body dedicated to professionals working across further education, vocational teaching and training. SET is the largest membership body in the education sector and growing rapidly. We help our members to progress their career, inspire them to be an even better education and training professional and connects its members with thousands of like-minded professionals and experts. As part of the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) SET campaigns to raise the status of members profession, champion the quality of teaching and training across further education, vocational teaching and training and provide members with access to the best teaching and training tools, research and expert views there are.
SET also administers both Qualified Teacher Learning Status (QTLS) and Advanced Teacher Status (ATS) on behalf of the ETF.
SET builds and promotes the professional status of FE practitioners, helping them progress in their careers through wider recognition of their expertise. In 2017-18, SET developed a three-year strategy focusing on membership growth and refining the membership offer. The three pillars that underpin this strategy are: 1) being easy to do business with, 2) meeting members’ needs, and 3) building a loyal membership base. Our growth areas are centred on student memberships and corporate partnerships, and by simplifying the joining and renewal process we aim to improve retention and service quality.
SET is a part of the Education and Training Foundation (ETF), which is a sector-owned, government-backed workforce development body for the Further Education (FE) and training sector, ETF’s strategic objective is to support the continuing transformation of our country’s technical and vocational education system by ensuring the sector has world-class teachers, trainers, assessors and leaders. This leads to ever-improving learner outcomes, a better skilled workforce and a stronger economy, country and society. ETF's charitable purpose is to advance the education of the public over the age of 14. ET's strategy for achieving this is to improve the effectiveness and professionalism of teachers, trainers and leaders in FE and training.