SOAS Detainee Support (SDS)

SOAS Detainee Support (SDS)

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Campaigning
  • Human rights
  • Refugees / migrants

Other details

Geographical remit: 


SOAS Detainee Support is a student-led initiative working in solidarity with people in and outside immigration detention centres. We aim to reduce isolation, offer practical support to people fighting for release, and campaign for an end to the use of detention.


Primarily we are a visiting group, SDS members, students and non-students will visit someone held in Immigration Detention on a weekly basis. Visitors form their own relationships with the person they are visiting, this may be purely friendship, but often we will help with casework support too.  SOAS Detainee Support mainly visit people who are being held in London detention centres; Yarl’s Wood (women), Harmondsworth and Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centres.

We have 2 part-time paid members of staff who coordinate visits, do casework, and do general day-to-day admin. The majority of our activities are done by volunteers, especially visiting but also other activates such as event organising, fund raising, etc.

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