The AIM of “ SMILE CIC company” is: empowering, increasing awareness, influencing and challenging.
To raise awareness, in the UK and elsewhere, of the need for conservation, to improve understanding and generate support through education, information and fundraising for deaf people.
To protect and sustainably deaf people of the world. To conserve their culture, with emphasis on deaf culture to project their lives and improve their lives for better.
To empower its users with a better knowledge and understanding of their illness so they can make more informed choices about their treatment and future. To assist its users through education, recreation and information, to make healthier choices and to encourage them to take responsibility for their own recovery and future well-being
We provide a great variety of courses to help the deaf community and the charges are very low with a great teachers with great experiences in BSL (british sign language) and we provide support in education through our qualified health-care assistants, support-workers, bsl interpreters, note-takers, lip-readers.
We provide BSL at all levels – for a variety period of times.
Our services are communication support which means: