At a glance


  • Education
  • Human rights
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Local / community
  • Physical disabilities

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Geographical remit: 
National - Britain



The AIM of “ SMILE  CIC company”   is: empowering, increasing awareness, influencing and challenging.

To raise awareness, in the UK and elsewhere, of the need for conservation, to improve understanding and generate support through education, information and fundraising for deaf people.

To protect and sustainably deaf people of the world. To conserve their culture, with emphasis on deaf culture to project their lives and improve their lives for better.

To empower its users with a better knowledge and understanding of their illness so they can make more informed choices about their treatment and future. To assist its users through education, recreation and information, to make healthier choices and to encourage them to take responsibility for their own recovery and future well-being


We provide a great variety of courses to help the deaf community and  the charges are very low with a great teachers with great experiences in BSL (british sign language) and we provide support in education through our qualified health-care assistants, support-workers, bsl interpreters, note-takers, lip-readers.

We provide BSL at all levels – for a variety period of times.

Our services are communication support which means:

  1. British sign language interpreters: will be NRCPD, ASLI or VLP registered; national organisations and registers for sign language interpreters. They interpret the language of delivery, giving real time access, into another language accessible to the student. Many have specific subject knowledge.
  2. Apprentice communication support workers: Will hold a minimum BSL qualification at level 3 and will be on a recognised CSW training course at an academic level 3 or 4. They will be learning whilst at work. They will cover preparation and planning for classroom activities, exam strategies, glossary building, record keeping, access to English, inclusive support and supporting variety to name a few modules of the training. They are fully mentored and monitored whilst on this work-based learning course.
  3. Specialist access and learning facilitators: These roles demand advanced specialist skills and training to address specific access issues
  4. Electronic Notetaker – Qualified Electronic Notetakers hold OCN qualification in electronic note taking at level 3, have the ability to touch type to a minimum 60 wpm, have excellent spelling and punctuation and a depth of knowledge and understanding of notetaking for disabled students. An Electronic Notetaker may provide communication support for deaf people who are comfortable reading English at high speed.
  5. Exam invigilators - Will ensure that the examination is conducted according to the current guidelines for conducting examinations. Invigilators are needed to: ensure all candidates have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities; ensure the security of the examination before, during and after the examination; prevent possible candidate malpractice; prevent possible administrative failures. This is particularly important where BSL is a feature of the exams process.
  6. Lips-speaker- Is a hearing person trained to repeat a speaker’s message to lip readers accurately, without using their voice. They produce clearly the shape of words, the flow, rhythm and phrasing of natural speech and repeat the stress as used by the speaker. The lip speaker also uses facial expression, natural gesture and fingerspelling (if requested) to aid the lipreader’s understanding. A lipspeaker may be asked to use their voice thus enabling the lipreader to benefit from any residual hearing.
  7. Deaf-relay-interpreters - Experienced Deaf people who work alongside BSL interpreters with users who are Deaf but not fluent in BSL. They adapt what the hearing interpreter is signing into a native variation of BSL for the client, together with the client’s response for the interpreter.
  8. Bespoke BSL training – SMILE Community Support CIC works with a professional BSL Tutor to offer introductory BSL training specially tailored to the needs of our clients. Courses can be arranged as a one off Introduction to Sign Language or booked in blocks of 6 or 8 weeks to give a more solid foundation for those who may wish to go on to further, certificated training.

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