SMASH Youth Project

SMASH Youth Project

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Mental health
  • Training / employment support
  • Young people

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 


Together We Can Change a Life

SMASH provides professional mentors  for children and young people who have a need for, and will benefit from, an additional independent adult in their lives.

SMASH mentors meet regularly with their children and young people to listen, encourage and support them.  The mentors often work towards goals that the young people have set themselves. Our work strives to support the young person to build a store of positive memories to help their confidence, self-esteem so they will thrive and fulfill their potential.

SMASH's philosophy is that Together We Can Change a Life and it does what it says on the tin.  One of our young people recently put on his application form: "I'm rubbish at everything".  Our mentors listen and care deeply about their mentees and slowly help them transform from someone with no confidence or direction into a person who has  hope for the future.

SMASH makes a huge difference to lives.

"SMASH changed my life - I'd probably be in prison now if my mentor hadn't believed in me"

"I was terrible at school, no interest and often didn't go.  My mentor helped me see why it mattered.  She listened to my problems every week for 2 hours and that let me concentrate on other things at school. I've just got a degree in Politics from Sussex University!. Thanks SMASH".


SMASH is a frontline organisation providing support to children and young people aged 9-19 struggling with their wellbeing and unable to reach their full potential. We support them by providing 3 streams of early intervention professional mentoring including our Wellbeing mentoring, our Group mentoring and our Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) mentoring.

As one young person said: "He doesn't always agree with me - and that's good because I get to see the world in a different way".

And another: "I can't believe someone turns up each week to see me!"

SMASH believes in the huge potential of all our children and young people.  We are there to help them discover their talents, interests and strengths.

Current opportunities

Wiltshire, SN2 1RF

SMASH exists to see a world where every young person's struggles with their health, wellbeing + potential are rare, brief and non-recurring. We...