At a glance


  • Education
  • Poverty relief

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Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


SGBI was set up to provide assitance to women educators in hardship. Its original beneficiaries were governesses. In recent years the majority of women seeking our assistance are retired teachers.

SGBI is currently considering how it can best update its purpose to be relevant while maintaining continuity with our Royal Charter.


SGBI (the Schoolmistresses and Governesses Benevolent Institution) was founded by Royal Charter in 1848. The organisation has worked with women educators since then. At the moment our role is in giving out small grants and supporting beneficiaries all over the UK. Up until May 2015 we managed a large residential home in Chislehurst near Bromley.

As it stands the charity has 3 staff, including an interim Director who works part time. The base is moving from Chislehurst to Dartford in Kent at some point over the summer.

We have asked the Director to look at the options for us going forward, including the practicalities involved in changing our Royal Charter.

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