We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation serving those in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes who have been affected by sexual assault and abuse recently or in the past. Our objective is to relieve the trauma and suffering caused to individuals and their loved ones by sexual assault and abuse in any of its forms.
We have been providing advice, support and counselling to individuals in our community since 1995 (previously under the name of Aylesbury Vale Rape Crisis).
Our primary aim is to provide support, information, advice and guidance to victims and survivors, empowering and enabling them to work with the trauma and suffering caused to them and their loved ones by sexual assault and abuse, including non-recent and childhood sexual abuse.
Our services are for women and girls and men and boys over sixteen that have been affected by sexual violence. We provide women only safe spaces in both Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. The provision of women only spaces is important as SAASSBMK recognises that sexual assault and abuse is both a cause and consequence of gender inequality within our society and so is a crime that disproportionately affects women and girls.
All our services are equitable and provided from a feminist and human rights perspective and are delivered in a safe environment in dedicated premises in both Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes.
All our services are free to access and are provided by staff and volunteers that have received robust, specialist training to support individuals who have experienced sexual assault and abuse.