The Scout Association - East Sussex

The Scout Association - East Sussex

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Scouting in the UK is organised through The Scout Association. Its purpose is to help young people, aged 6-25 years old, achieve their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.

With 500,000 members in the UK, Scouting is the largest mixed youth organisation in the country. Adult volunteers must follow the policies of The Scout Association, which can be found on our webpage:

In East Sussex we offer fun and adventure to over 6,000 members across more than 90 locations (groups).

There are many other roles within the county where we want volunteer support. If you are interested in being a Group Leader, Section Leader, Trustee or have other skills you would like to offer please contact us to find out more.


All our groups are managed by volunteers who plan, organise and deliver a balanced programme of activities, events and experiences. 

The programme is based around three main themes:

  • Outdoor and adventure
  • Skills
  • World

In each section a range of badges and awards motivate our young people to develop new skills and knowledge.

There are five age ranges (sections) in Scouting:

  1. Beaver Scouts 6 - 8 years
  2. Cub Scouts 8 - 10½ years
  3. Scouts 10½ - 14 years
  4. Explorer Scouts 14 - 18 years
  5. Scout Network 18 - 25 years

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