Scottish Association For Marine Science

Scottish Association For Marine Science

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The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is Scotland’s largest and oldest independent marine science organisation, delivering marine science for a productive and sustainably managed marine environment through innovative research, education and engagement with society.

Based near Oban on the Scottish west coast, our marine research and teaching portfolio is diverse in topic and discipline, global in outlook, project locations and relevance, and delivered by a SAMS team with can-do attitude working in partnership with academic, business, government, regulatory, voluntary and civic society colleagues.

SAMS is a charitable organisation (SC009206) with a membership that elects the governing Council. It is also a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in Scotland (SC 009292) and operates two wholly owned subsidiary companies: SAMS Research Services Ltd (SRSL) - a specialist marine consultancy - and SAMS Ltd. It is an academic partner of the University of the Highlands and Islands.

Our mission is to increase, communicate and use our understanding of the oceans for the public good by:

  • creating new knowledge through transformational scientific enquiry
  • disseminating that knowledge through inspirational education and public outreach
  • deploying that knowledge to solve real-world problems

Our vision

The vision of the Scottish Association for Marine Science is to be a world-class marine science enterprise that underpins regional, national and international policy, and societal action to secure healthy and sustainable oceans.


What do we do? We study how the marine environment works, how and why it is changing and how we could use and treat it better. Then we communicate and promote what we find for the public good.

Why do we do it? To have healthy and productive seas and oceans that support life on Earth and continue to provide us with resources. Also to understand our planet and our place on it better.

How do we do it? We undertake research into all aspects of the marine system and exchange our new understanding with society, policy makers, business and the next generation so that it can become useful and improve practices.

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