Scholemoor Community Centre and sports ground and provides a range of services and support to the local residents in an area with high levels of deprivation.
To help the people of Scholemoor estate in Bradford and the surrounding areas. In particular:
those suffering disadvantage and hardship due to economic deprivation
young people
those in need of support around education, training, employment and enterprise
older people
We provide a range of activities directly including children's club, bingo, wellbeing cafe and sporting activities including football, dance, cricket, boxercise and women only exercise class.
We work in partnership with other organisations including Bradford Council Youth Service and Play team, Creative Support, South Bradford advice service, community payback and Incommunities.
Working in this way we are able to offer services and support around welfare benefit and debt advice, groups for children and young people and 1 to 1 work with young people. Coffee morning for over 55's and support to keep the centre and grounds tidy and maintained.