Sainted Roots is a community-led, social enterprise. We generate income from our capacity building programmes driven through agriculture. This income is invested back into the community that generates it. We agree to support the communities who show proactiveness and willingness to put in the effort to get the results desired.
Each community is led by their selected village committee, whose role is to represent their views helping to target our support. It’s also the job of the committee to lead and encourage others in their community to get involved in Sainted Roots’ work. The committee sets the objectives for the village within the framework of our programmes. Defining what they would like to achieve as well as ensuring the fair distribution of resources including any income generated through communal activities.
The term ‘ubiridom’ coined by JD Masukume; is focused on the creation of an ecosystem where everyone and everything works together in unison for individual fulfilment and for the greater good. This ideology is the key to how we operate, we want to empower our villagers to help themselves and their community to thrive.
Using this ideology we have developed a multi year ‘Village Engagement Model’, which aims to grow our villagers through the maturity continuum, from dependence, to independence to interdependence. As inspired by Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Our work is directed and led by the community through the framework of our programmes:
Sustainable Farming: Support rural communities to generate income, feed themselves and store excess for hard times (Matura amambo).
Biodiversity: Prevent desertification whilst preserving local flora through education and planting of fruit and indigenous trees.
Personal Growth: Unleash individual & community power through lifelong education.
Architecture & Infrastructure: Lobby, facilitate and encourage the building and maintenance of community assets.
Culture: Preserve oral and local history. Find viable markets for creative crafts.
Tourism: Introduce the concept of sustainable tourism to viable communities.