RSPCA Nottingham and Notts Branch

RSPCA Nottingham and Notts Branch

At a glance


  • Animals / wildlife

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We are the RSPCA Nottingham and Notts Branch, a self funding branch whose aim is to support local Inspectors financially and practically. We fundraise independently of the national RSPCA and the money we raise stays right here in Nottingham to help local vulnerable animals. Veterinary costs and suitable accommodation (when the RSPCA Radcliffe Animal Shelter is full) is paid for through the kind donations gifted from the people of Nottingham whose support we rely on.

The branch operates a long running, low cost neutering scheme which is open to anyone (you don't have to be on benefits) who lives in our area and wishes to have their companion pet neutered.

Our focus are animals who are in immediate danger, the ones rescued by Inspectors. These creatures have often suffered at the hands of those they trusted most and are our priority. Founded in 1875, we continue, enabled through public generosity, to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home.


This branch of the RSPCA currently has a charity retail and an eBay shop whose purpose is to raise funds so we can continue to support and help animals rescued by the Inspectorate who work in our area.  We fund veterinary treatments, provide additional housing when the RSPCA Radcliffe Animal Centre is full and assist in all aspects of animal welfare in Nottingham. We offer perpetual low cost spaying and neutering assistance (which is not means tested) to anyone living in the branches area.

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