RSPB Local Groups

RSPB Local Groups

At a glance


  • Animals / wildlife
  • Campaigning
  • Environment

Other details

Organisation type: 
Small or unincorporated organisation
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


We have over 130 RSPB adult and youth groups around the UK. So, whether you’re five or fifty, you can connect wildlife, make new friends, and help us in the fight to save nature. Come and get stuck in!

Our volunteer-led groups are the face and voice of the RSPB in your local community. And you can get as involved as you’d like: taking your children to RSPB youth groups, discovering RSPB local group events, or planning and leading sessions – together, we’re making a difference.


Local groups are a great way to meet new people, learn more about birds, share your own knowledge, help to raise funds and awareness and generally do your bit for nature.

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