Royal College of Surgeons

Royal College of Surgeons

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care

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Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


The Royal College of Surgeons of England is committed to enabling surgeons to achieve and maintain the highest standards of surgical practice and patient care.

The RCS has three strategic priorities which underpin the College’s vision of Advancing Surgical Care. In the years between 2015 and 2019 our activities and resources have focused and will be focused on delivering the following strategic aims:

  1. Advance standards and reduce the variability of patient outcomes
  2. Attract, educate, develop and support high-quality surgeons
  3. Influence and shape future health policy and practice to advance standards of surgical care.


  • Supervise training of surgeons in approved posts
  • Provide educational and practical workshops for surgeons and other medical professionals at all stages of their careers
  • Examine trainees to ensure the highest professional standards
  • Promote and support surgical research in the UK
  • Support audit and evaluation of clinical effectiveness
  • Provide support and advice for surgeons in all stages of their careers
  • Provide a mechanism whereby trusts can seek independent advice
  • House a current and historical information resource centre for surgeons in the library and museums
  • Act as an advisory body to the Department of Health, health authorities, trusts, hospitals and other professional bodies
  • Collaborate with other medical and academic organisations in the UK and worldwide
  • Seek to convey the importance of, and provide support for, good, effective communication and interpersonal relationships between patients and surgeons

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