The Royal Alexandra & Albert School Foundation

The Royal Alexandra & Albert School Foundation

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Education
  • Young people

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The Royal Alexandra and Albert School was founded in 1758 and reincorporated as an educational charity in 1949.

The core purpose of the Foundation is to accommodate and educate ‘Foundationers’. These are pupils who would benefit from a boarding education and whose parents or guardians are unable to afford such boarding charges.  Generally, Foundationers have lost one or both parents, have a chronically ill parent, have been abandoned or abused or the parent can no longer meet their daily needs.  Approximately 10% of the school’s boarding places are reserved for Foundationers.



The Foundation now funds the boarding facilities and pastoral care with the education being provided by the Voluntary Aided School, Royal Alexandra and Albert School, a state funded maintained school. The Foundation owns the land and buildings in which the School is located and appoints the majority of the School’s governors.

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