Rotherham Blackburn Youth Club

Rotherham Blackburn Youth Club

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Local / community
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Blackburn Club for Young People provides a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for young people between the ages of 8 and 19 years. We will deliver a service for and with young people, which will engage with young people and actively involve them in decision- making processes. We aim to be at the heart of the local community, working with all groups within the community and from the wider area.

Our core values of respect, empowerment, valuing difference, equality, education and participation enable young people to explore the interaction between themselves, their peers and society. We strive to be fully inclusive, and work hard to meet the needs of all who come through our door. The club policy develops understanding of diversity and increases mutual respect and sensitivity towards others who have additional needs. 

Through the dynamic, creative and innovative programmes, activities and ethos of the club, the leaders guide and support young people and act as mentors and role models in their personal, social and spiritual development. The programmes that the club provides create opportunity for the young people to develop into mature and responsible adults who will play a vital part in their community. 


Youth Club 
This is open twice a week and provides much needed entertainment for the young people. It is a safe place for them to spend time, try new things and have the support of trained and caring adults. 

Juniors we do a variety of activities – art, cooking, team games, and sport. This is a safe environment for children to play, make new friends and learn new skills. 

Seniors we focus each month on a particular social issue such as healthy eating, drugs and crime and body image, while also offering a range of sport and cooking activities during the evening.

Cooking Group  

Children and young people learn to cook and eat a new recipe together. All the meals are quick, cheap and healthy. This is one of most popular groups as young people enjoy cooking, learning about beocming healthy, play games and bets of eating tea together. 

Girls Only Group 

Girls only youth club encourages young girls from the age of 7 to 17 years old to have fun and enjoy themselves by being involved in a variety of fun activities in a friendly, relaxed, and safe environment. This aims to allow young girls to be themselves, learn through fun, build on their skills, meet new people, and gain new experiences. 

Parent and Toddler Group

Daniels Den there to encourage and enrich family life in order to build stronger communities. This is our newest venture started on request from the community. Before this started it took over 30mins to walk to the closest parent and toddler group or you could catch 2 buses taking over an hour. This group allows parents, grandparents and careers the meet together knowing they are not on their own. 

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