Road Farm Countryways CIC is committed to enabling farm and countryside interaction to improve well-being, self-worth and promote learning, especially for those rarely able to access it. We work with people with many different life challenges and educational interests including those with learning difficulties, complex needs, physical and mental health problems, providing active Care Farming involvement with animals and learning life skills to help maintain our countryside. Many of our farm helpers cannot cope in large social settings or corporate establishments, but here feel part of a real working environment and become more confident, capable of interaction, self-control and independence, amongst many other positive things. They know that here, they matter. They develop greater independence and improved work and social skills as well as better physical health which impacts their whole wellbeing and indirectly influences their home and family setting for the better.
We also provide educational and special interest group visits, enabling people of all ages to actively learn more about farming and biodiversity interactions, helping develop a love of the outdoors and sustainability. There are opportunities to cook farm field to fork and get involved with crafts too, with an excellent wood-work shop to include all levels of skill. Everyone can do something well and need to know they can, so we try to help this happen!
By interaction and care with animals (donkeys, goats, hens, turkeys, sheep, cattle etc) and maintaining the countryside (eg coppicing; woodland maintenance, work on bee-hives & bird boxes) in a beautiful, non-threatening place, our service users get involved, learn skills and feel a sense of purpose and inclusion. These can be one-off visits or structured programmes over many months or years with supported learning and reflection built in. All visits are strictly pre-arranged and vary according to individual needs.
Road Farm Countryways is looking for a Director/Trustee to join the existing leadership team. This role will delivery the wellbeing and skills to...