Richmond Council for Voluntary Services

Richmond Council for Voluntary Services

At a glance


  • Voluntary sector support

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Richmond CVS is the infrastructure support body for the hundreds of organisations that make up the voluntary and community sector in our Borough.

We are an independent organisation, a registered charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee.  Membership of Richmond CVS is open to charitable, voluntary and community groups working in the borough of Richmond upon Thames. Our Board of Trustees is elected by our members.  We receive grants and fees from a wide range of bodies and use these to achieve Richmond CVS' charitable objectives, delivering a range of services in support of member organisations and the voluntary sector as a whole.

Richmond CVS is a member of the South London CVS Partnership through which we work with our counterpart organisations in Kingston, Merton, Sutton,Croydon and Bromley.


This is an exciting time for Richmond CVS as we have recently been awarded the three main London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) infrastructure contracts to support the voluntary sector. These contacts commence in early January 2016 and will initially run for three years. Richmond CVS has previously delivered 2 of these contracts (Voice and Training) but will also now also deliver Volunteering Support (which was previously delivered by Groundwork). These contracts will be delivered under the “Community Connections Richmond” brand in partnership with Richmond Adult Community College (RACC), where RCVS are the prime contractor.

Richmond CVS also delivers services for other commissioning bodies, including the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Achieving for Children (a partnership between LBRuT and Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames to provide Children's services). Other discrete pieces of work have been recently been funded by the City Bridge Trust and Big Lottery.

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