Refugee Action

Refugee Action

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Campaigning
  • Children / families
  • Human rights
  • Local / community
  • Refugees / migrants

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Refugee Action is an independent, national charity working with refugees. We help people who've survived some of the world's worst regimes to live again. We help people with basic support everyone deserves if they're to live with dignity. The chance to build the safest, happiest, and most productive life they can, so they can live. And where we encounter policies, practices or attitudes that won't allow this chance, we challenge them. We believe everyone who's fled their home to survive deserves a chance to live again


Imagine what it’s like to flee your home in fear. To arrive in a new country with nothing but your life.

You’ve survived. But how will you live?

At Refugee Action, we help refugees who’ve survived some of the world’s worst regimes. We get them the basic support they need to live again with dignity. Then we help them build safe, happy and productive lives in the UK.

Our vision is that refugees and asylum seekers will be welcome in the UK. They will get justice, live free of poverty and be able to successfully rebuild their lives.

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