Red Kite Community Housing

Red Kite Community Housing

At a glance


  • Housing and homelessness
  • Training / employment support

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Geographical remit: 


We're a tenant-led, not for profit, charitable housing association and we own and manage more than 6,700 homes in the Wycombe District. Our tenants and leaseholders are our customers and have an important role in making sure that we remain truly tenant-led through everything that we do.

We are a social landlord and do all the things you would expect us to do, but there is a lot more to us, including our new companies that have been set up to offer rents that are based on a person's ability to pay, build more homes and offer an estate agency service...


Having a secure home is the foundation stone that allows each of us to grow. We will offer a spectrum of homes for both rent and purchase that is affordable, matched to the income means of each household and remains affordable as each household’s circumstances change and their aspirations grow. In particular, we will continue to provide homes to rent for those for whom alternative housing options are either unaffordable or unavailable. We will work in partnership with local businesses to support investment and jobs and with individuals, helping them to develop and use their skills, whether in paid employment or in volunteering in their communities. We will invest in the formation and growth of sustainable social enterprises. We will expect customers to take responsibility for their choices and take pride in their homes and communities. Our services will increasingly become only available through digital access-channels, with much more reliance on customer self-service in line with the convenience of access expected by customers in this digital age. We will support our customers to use such channels. We will provide the core services our customers need, always with a focus on the cost. We will work in partnership with other organisations to provide additional services to customers when they are needed. We will provide the means for tenants and leaseholders to influence our direction and determine what type of organisation we are and will be. We will balance the views of existing customers and our investment in the provision of services, with the needs of future customers and our communities for investment in the building of new homes.

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