The Really Youthful Theatre Company (R.Y.T.C.) is a community-based initiative designed to give young people a voice. As well as offering the opportunity to learn about drama and theatre and have a go at all aspects themselves, the R.Y.T.C. provides a framework for the young people to find out more about themselves and the world around them. The young people make decisions about what to do each term and work on a variety of different styles of project.
Many of our children come from disadvantaged and disaffected backgrounds. For these children the group offers an opportunity to deal with a range of social issues, helping the children to find solutions that are right for them.
The raising of confidence and self-esteem is at the heart of our aims and objectives. We believe that if a child has respect for him/herself that encourages a respect for others, which leads to more productive and less destructive relationships. This encourages greater tolerance and a feeling of belonging, which is extremely important for everyone, and is an excellent starting point in the solving of problems.
The aims of the Really Youthful Theatre Company are; • Quality of Experience
• Opening Access
• Enhancing the Creative Culture
• Valuing Young People
We offer shows on tour, workshops (discounted for Warwickshire schools), one to one coaching, group sessions and general drama training.
We create projects with particular groups of young people in mind. We also encourage existing groups of young people to decide for themselves what they want to do and the professional team makes it possible.
We have made films, visited festivals, written scripts and much more.