The rape and sexual abuse line offers a listening service for people who have experienced any form of rape and sexual abuse including incest, ritual abuse, sexual exploitation and trafficking.
Our line is open to men and woman over the age of 16 and it doesn’t matter how long ago the rape or sexual abuse happened, or whether it was reported. You can still contact us. We also offer support to partners, families and friends.
Our line opens on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 7pm to 10pm.
All calls are anonymous and cannot be traced by anyone else. We only share information if there is a clear risk to a child or vulnerable adult.
Our line is operated by trained volunteers who receive ongoing support and supervision.
Our volunteers will listen and believe what you tell them about your experiences and feelings. We understand it may take a few calls to the line before you feel able to talk about your experience.
A one off call or regular ongoing support, you choose how often you call.
We also provide you with information regarding other agencies and services that may support your recovery.