Raising Aspirations Project

Raising Aspirations Project

At a glance


  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 


The Raising Aspirations project was launched in 2016 across three Barnsley secondary schools; Horizon Community College, Holy Trinity and Dearne ALC. The aim of the project is to improve young people’s self-belief and raise their aspirational life goals so they can fulfil their potential. It achieves this by providing volunteer coaches for young people who have applied to take part in the project at the three schools.


Many people feel that being a coach requires special skills but coaches are simply people who have the qualities of good role models. We are looking for people from all walks of life to donate some time to the future of Barnsley. They can be in any sector or trade, be self-employed, retired or a sole trader as well as a professional, we want to have the broadest and richest experiences in our coach bank so that we can try to match people as closely as possible.

The coach will meet with their student on a one-to-one basis once or twice every half term, for around one hour. Meetings are conducted on school premises, during school hours and regular support and training is provided to all coaches.

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