Prisoners' Advice Service

Prisoners' Advice Service

At a glance


  • Criminal justice
  • Human rights

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


The Prisoners’ Advice Service is the only independent registered charity offering free legal advice and support to adult prisoners in England and Wales.We do this through our telephone advice line, letters clinic and legal outreach sessions, as well as providing information within the sector.


  • PAS offers free legal advice and information to prisoners throughout England and Wales regarding their rights, conditions of imprisonment and the application of the Prison Rules.
  • We pursue prisoners’ complaints about their treatment in prison by providing advice and information and, where appropriate, taking legal action.
  • PAS produces the quarterly Prisoners’ Legal Rights Bulletin, in order to share updates on key Prison Law cases with prisoners, human rights organisations and legal professionals.
  • Examples of issues we can advise on include: parole, temporary release, life sentences, categorisation, mother and baby units, adjudications, sentence calculation, and licenses and recalls.

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