PPAT (Preston Primary Academy Trust)

PPAT (Preston Primary Academy Trust)

At a glance


  • Education

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Organisation type: 
Educational body
Geographical remit: 


We aim to provide the highest academic standards in a safe and caring environment; to develop a love of learning to last our children throughout their lives; to offer an exciting curriculum and extra-curricular activities which will broaden our children's horizons, giving them a greater sense of themselves and the importance of others as individuals.. We are committed to a strong partnership between home and school, secondary schools, the local community and industry in order to become centres of excellence.  Such excellence not only applies to academic studies, but also sporting and creative pursuits and the recruitment of high quality staff at all levels.


  • Ensures outstanding teaching and a culture of high expectations and high attainment where all individuals (children and staff) reach their full potential and take pride in their achievements.
  • Creates a safe and stimulating environment, providing lifelong learning experiences which meet individual needs.
  • Promotes and develops spiritual, moral and cultural growth.
  • Provides good examples that children will use as a reference for positive behaviour.
  • Encourages all to care for and respect themselves, the local community and others.

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