Potential Plus UK

Potential Plus UK

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Counselling / advice
  • Education
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Mental health
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Potential Plus UK works with high ability children; their families and the professionals who support them. Established in 1967, we offer a range of services on a national level from information, advice and guidance, an assessment service and individual support to national and local events for families and training for teachers. Being the cleverest child in the class can often be a lonely experience. Some of the children we support are isolated, can be bullied and lack self-confidence. Without the right support, their perfectionism can lead to meltdowns and they can fail to maximise their potential in the classroom and beyond. We are there to help these children every step of the way and we really do make a difference through the advice and support we give to their parents, carers and teachers to help them and the activities we run where they make friends and find their passion.   


We offer

* A telephone Helpline for parents

* A webchat service

* Advice sheets and information on our website

* An Assessment Service which helps to provide an action plan for parents/carers and schools

* Workshops for children, parents and families

* Training courses for teachers

We also try and raise the profile of these issues through the research and lobbying we do and the partnerships we make in the community.  

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