Poppleton Road Memorial Hall`

Poppleton Road Memorial Hall`

At a glance


  • Local / community

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Poppleton Road Memorial Hall is a suburban Community Hall, located in the Holgate area of York, some 2 miles northwest of the City centre. It was founded in 1946, as a "living memorial" to local residents killed during World War 2. The original wooden Hall was replaced in 1990 by a modern building. 

Our aim is to improve the cohesiveness of our local Community by offering low cost room hire for a variety of recurring and "one off" activities. The principal area of benefit is our electoral ward of Holgate but we accept hire on a citywide basis.    

We offer reasonably priced hire of our auditorium plus two separate meeting rooms. 

Trustee activity included bi-monthly Committee meetings, routine maintenance and minor repairs, grant seeking, liaison with contractors and statutory/local authorities for servicing and major upgrades. Specific roles with prospective future vacancies include Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.  


The Trustees offers competitively priced room hire for a wide variety of regular and “one off” events and activities. Our Hall has three hireable rooms viz a 60+seater auditorium with drop down screen and OHP. A portable stage plus sound and lighting are additionally available. Two first floor meeting rooms can hold 15 and 5 persons respectively. 

High speed wifi broadband is available free to Hall users. 

We continually strive to improve the Hall, to reduce maintenance and repair costs, remain compliant with ever changing Health & Safety legislation, and enhance facilities for our users. Examples follow.

We've recently had soundproofing added between the auditorium and first floor meeting rooms. These room plus the stairs have been recarpeted, and the "glue on" plastic stair nosings replaced by screw on aluminium nosings with integral hivis edge strip.    

Currently we have some "roll out" steps to our fixed stage being installed in place of heavy portable steps. Grant bids are in the pipeline to replace kitchen serving hatch folding doors by a drop down shutter. Also to zone the central heating and create remote heating control via the internet, from an electronic booking diary. External refurbishments are planned this year plus the upgrade of an enclosed rear garden to make it safe for regular hirers.     

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