Plantlife International

Plantlife International

At a glance


  • Environment

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Established in 1989 Plantlife is the only UK charity dedicated to conserving wild flowers, plants and fungi in their natural habitats and helping people to enjoy and learn about them.  We own 23 natures reserves across the UK and carry out conservation and outreach work on our own land and in partnership with others.  We advise landowners and publish best practice guidance.  We carry out research and gather data to inform government policy.  We engage people of all ages and abilities in plant conservation and education and give everybody opportunities to enjoy wild flowers.  We work overseas with bodies such as the IUCN and Kew and, as lead partner in the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, identify Important Plant Areas across the world and plan their conservation with government and community groups.


Plantlife's charitable aims and objectives are simple:

  • To improve the fortunes of threatened wild plants in the UK and overseas.
  • To help everybody, young and old, to enjoy wild plants and to get involved in their conservation.
  • To campaign for policies and practices to sustain wild plants.

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