‘To promote, for the benefit of the public, the advancement of physiology, and facilitate the intercourse of physiologists both at home and abroad, and thereby contribute to the progress and understanding of biomedical and related sciences and the detection, prevention and treatment of disease, disability and malfunction of physical processes in all forms of life'.
The Society’s strategic objectives are:
1. To support physiological research through publications and scientific meetings
2. To support education in physiology
3. To communicate the importance of physiology
4. To support our membership and maintain our operations
The Society is organised around six broad scientific Themes with a seventh, Education & Teaching Theme that spans all aspects of the scientific themes. These themes encompass basic, applied and clinical aspects of research and thrive on networking to discuss latest findings and forge new collaborations.
It holds a number of conferences throughout the year which attract an international audience to produce a modern, cutting-edge and friendly environment for uninhibited scientific exchange.
The Society publishes two leading award winning scientific journals, The Journal of Physiology and Experimental Physiology. It also publishes Physiological Reports and a quarterly membership magazine, Physiology News. The Society supports education, outreach and science policy activities to raise awareness, understanding and appreciation of physiology and to develop a dialogue between The Society and public audiences and parliament.