Parks for London

Parks for London

At a glance


  • Environment
  • Gardens and parks

Other details

Geographical remit: 


We are an independent charity that loves London’s parks and green infrastructure; working with the people that manage, maintain and enjoy them to keep them thriving, accessible, safe and beautiful places that make a major contribution to London as a healthy and sustainable world city.


Understanding our parks

We provide the guardians of London’s parks and green spaces with expert advice and information to help them grow and thrive.

We advise and connect the people involved in parks, from Friends Groups to landowners; councils to professionals, enabling them to optimise and share information and resources – so everybody benefits.

Standing up for our parks

We work with parks professionals, academics and research organisations to build strong evidence, knowledge and good practice. We use this intelligence to speak up for our parks and green spaces, bid for funding and carry out the future proofing work needed to make sure they are well resourced.

Loving our parks

We celebrate and promote London’s diverse green infrastructure to ensure it gets the quality maintenance and resources it needs – making sure we all get the most from our parks.

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