Parkinsons.Me is a dynamic young charity founded in 2016 by Ewan and Tracey Stutt following Ewan's diagnosis with with Parkinson's in 2013 aged 43. Parkinson's creates many challenges for both the directly affected person and the people they live and work with. The wide variety of symptoms and age ranges affected also make it difficult for some people to understand the condition and can leave people with Parkinson's feeling isolated and misunderstood. We aim to provide positive, inspiring and meaningful online, personal and community support for people with Parkinson's and their families.
We organise events to raise awareness of the daily realities of Parkinson's and provide social and community support for people with Parkinson's, their families and friends. Our website aims to be the primary source of information and support for families living with the condition. Our blog and forum pages provide support through shared experience to a growing global community. We're working on a community garden that will showcase the role of healthy eating, exercise and social support in helping people with Parkinson's. Going forwards we also plan to be actively involved in research projects focused on the needs of carers, children and other close family members.